It is hard for a picture to do justice to this ride, but we decided to try. Remember, this is a city street. In our four-wheel drive truck, we navigated this street by going in and out of the ditches in the middle, much like a skier traversing across the side of a mountain.
And at the bottom, a van was stuck in the muddy ditch. We finally inched forward. Most of the
pedestrians simply didn't stop, some didn't even look up, even though we were pretty big and dangerous. Finally, our driver inched forward past the truck -- then we slid and bang, our left rear corner hit the blue truck. Our first dent, a lot of people yelling advice --- low range four-wheel drive got us out, but pedestrians actually walked between our truck and the building on the right as we were trying to maneuver -- they had all of a foot of clearance.
Ah Malueka . . . memories of lazy Sundays driving to Malueka. Won't be long and you will make this trek on your own . . .no driver. Makes us homesick.